Friday, December 10, 2010

The Story So Far....

 Most of you think this all started in September, which is when you first heard about it.
It actually started much earlier than that, on May 20, 2010 at approximately 4:45pm.

I was in my Japanese class, waiting for the teacher to finish, and ready to leave. Just as everyone started to leave she came over to me and gave me an A4 piece of paper. It was a flyer for Meijo University in Nagoya. At the time I had no idea what it was, but she told me that they had a good scholarship and that she wanted me to apply for it.

So I said thanks, took the paper and started the online application (thank god for online applications). I had gotten as far as putting in my preference for university and what classes I would be doing, which I had just taken directly off the flyer. At this point I thought I should probably check the deadline, which turned out to be 5pm May 20, 2010. I looked at it, looked at the clock, and sighed. There went my last chance at going on an exchange program before I graduated. So I packed up and left the classroom, putting it from my mind.

Four months later I was on my way home after work when my phone rang, it was the Exchange Office. As it turns out, the online application form is connected with my uni profile on QUT Virtual, so it had stayed in the system even though it was incomplete. And being the only one to show interest, they had called me.The conversation went something like this:
Me: ah Hello… (unknown number)
Stephen: Hi Sharon, this is Stephen from the Exchange office, are you still interested in going to Japan on exchange?
Me: What?
Stephen: There is a great scholarship attached to the program and we need to get the applications sorted out ASAP.
ME: Scholarship...HELL YES!

So he told me to come in as soon as I could to hand in the forms that he’d emailed me, and so I did. In the week that followed I filled out about ten different forms for the application, I had to get 6 new passport size photos for the Meijo and Certificate of Eligibility applications, (and they were good photos too, not like my real passport) and once that was done, I waited. 

A few days later Stephen called me again with another rare opportunity. The Head of Exchange from Meijo University, and the new exchange coordinator were going to be in Brisbane for the week, and he wanted me to meet them.

I walked into the meeting thinking it was just going to be causal (which is what I had been told) and boy did I feel out of place. The two Meijo staff were wearing full three piece suits, and Stephen’s boss was there too, I felt extremely out of place, I was just in typical uni student clothes.  So after already feeling nervous about meeting them, I was even more freaked out, not a good start. But the meeting went well, and as I left they said they would see me in Japan next year. I’m so in, I thought.

The next day I was waiting between classes when my phone rang again, it was Stephen. He wanted me to call Keisuke (the Meijo exchange officer) and have a conversation in Japanese with him. I really thought I had gotten away without having to show my language skills, not likely.

Keisuke was at Kelvin Grove campus when I called, and said he would meet me at Gardens Point in half an hour.  About 45 minutes later he called me to tell me he was at GP and would meet me at the coffee shop. As it turns out, he caught the wrong bus and couldn’t figure out to use his brick like Australian phone (he had a really old Nokia) to call me. I thought it was pretty funny. So we talked for about half an hour, and it was going pretty well, but I guess he thought that too because he started speaking a lot faster. He totally stumped me with this one question, which once I figured it out, I had answered a thousand times in class, it was just the way he phrased it. When I left to go to class, he once again said he would see me in Japan in February or March, which was great.

So now all I had to do was wait. And wait, and wait some more.

The pre-departure briefing came round in early October, and as it turns out I am the only student in QUT going to Japan, which is great. It means that there is absolutely no competition in regards to scholarships or anything else. They told us that the Letters of Acceptance had started to arrive that week, and more would be coming in the next month, so not to worry.

So I waited, and waited, and waited some more.

At the start of November I was beginning to get worried, in the interview, Keisuke had said that the Letter would come in October. I talked to the exchange office, and they said oh don’t worry about it tell the end of November. Nevertheless I wasn’t reassured. 

I received an email from the Business Faculty asking for the unit plan and outlines for my study in Japan. I freaked out, I didn't have them, I didn't know where to find them, and I needed them for approval. I contacted Stephen and he contacted Meijo, and they sent a study plan, which after two weeks was finally approved. I relaxed a bit again, but now I was confused. If they had a study plan for me, and as it turns out I had already been approved for the JASSO scholarship, where was my Letter of Acceptance? 

About a week ago I finally received an email saying that the Letter of Acceptance was ready and that it would be sent with my Certificate of Eligibility in mid December and that it would probably arrive in early January. Needless to say I was ecstatic. Nothing bothered me that day, not even the rudest customers at work.

But that meant I had a whole new kettle of fish to worry about. How long would my visa take to be processed? Will I be rushed for time? When can I book my tickets?! But at least I definitely know I’m going now.